I don't know her. I don't know her name. I don't know her come from. I don't know everything about her. but I've ever seen her before. a woman who sat in front of me. she not make eye contact with me just sit sit and still sit. and I try try try . she disappear from there and leave some scratch in my heart.
Yesterday is a boring day. in between 2 hours while I'm on taxi. traffic jam traffic jam traffic jam. boring boring and still boring. in my bag have camera just bring its to took a shot took a shot and and still took a shot. Finally I got ....... boring.
this is party for communication design student. this year have a theme "Red bireley and the young gangster" on next saturday 13 Nov 10. I hope to see all gangster of communication design program form my school and I hope that day every people to go to this party get more funnn.
see ya on that day and feel free to go to this party na !